An RSS feed contains a running list of articles or other content published by various websites. This way, you can easily access the latest content.
This is definitely a good thing if you want to increase traffic to your website. By connecting your website to their RSS feed readers, your reader will constantly come across your latest content, encouraging them to see what’s new.
However, we have to ask ourselves how to get more out of RSS feeds.
The answer is quite simple! Add your website’s (or other) RSS feed to your social media profiles, such as Twitter and LinkedIn. This way, your profiles will always stay updated and fresh with the latest content from your website or other pages you follow.
What becomes more important for your social media accounts is that you can’t create content every day. For example, if you want to keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date but can’t find relevant, authentic content to share on a daily basis, you can connect RSS feeds to your LinkedIn profiles and pages. This way you can keep them fresh and constantly publishing! To learn more about this specific topic, you can read our detailed article here:
Given the key importance of constant and regular posting to increase your follower count, automatic posting to RSS feeds offers a lot to boost your profiles.
When it comes to how you manage to add RSS feeds to your social media accounts, there is a boring way (as always). That is, manually or one by one!
However, if you want to share your RSS feeds to your accounts in a collaborative and automatic way without any effort, Circleboom Publish is at your disposal.
By quickly adding RSS feeds of your and/or other websites/blogs to your accounts such as Twitter or LinkedIn, Circleboom’s RSS feed to social media tool saves you a lot of time and trouble.
In addition, Circleboom Publisher allows you to define the “Check feed” and “Maximum posts per update” interval. In this way, the tool monitors the website at different time periods, such as once a day or every hour, and decides if there is new content. Also, this tool allows you to decide how many times you want to publish new content on the website.
Here’s how you can practically use Circleboom Publish to link your RSS feeds to your social media accounts. You need to follow the two steps below and everything is cool.